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Docker Cheat Sheet

Publishing a Container Image & The Workflow

Here is a brief list of frequently used docker commands.

Building Images

Building an image from a Dockerfile in the current working directory (.) tagged with 1.0.0.

docker build -t imagename:1.0.0 .

List local images:

docker image ls

Delete local image:

docker image rm busybox:1.31.1

Distributing Images

Pull image from the default container registry:

docker pull imagename:1.0.0

Retag local image:

docker tag imagename:1.0.0 registry-user-name/imagename:1.0.0

Push (upload) an image to the default container registry:

docker push registry-user-name/imagename:1.0.0

Starting Containers

Run an Interactive Container:

Running a container opening a Shell and binding a terminal:

docker container run -it busybox /bin/sh

Run a container using the simple-web-app image tagged with 0.1.0. The container name will be myapp. Expose the local port 8081 to port 4567 within the container. You can then access port 4567 of the container by typing http://localhost:8081:

docker container run --name myapp -p 8081:4567 simple-web-app:0.1.0

Stop the container named sobusy:

docker stop container sobusy

This will send a SIGTERM [1].

Stop the container name sobusy but send SIGKILL [1] instead of SIGTERM.

List running containers:

docker container ls


docker container ps


docker container ls --all

To include stopped containers.

Delete all containers (running & stopped):

docker container rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Print last 200 log entries of the container named sobusy:

docker container logs --tail 200 sobusy

Reattach a Container

docker container attach <container-name | container-id>
  1. Linux Programmer's Manual, SIGNAL(7), POSIX Signals,