Docker Cheat Sheet
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Publishing a Container Image & The Workflow
Here is a brief list of frequently used docker
Building Images
Building an image from a Dockerfile in the current working directory (.
) tagged with 1.0.0
docker build -t imagename:1.0.0 .
List local images:
docker image ls
Delete local image:
docker image rm busybox:1.31.1
Distributing Images
Pull image from the default container registry:
docker pull imagename:1.0.0
Retag local image:
docker tag imagename:1.0.0 registry-user-name/imagename:1.0.0
Push (upload) an image to the default container registry:
docker push registry-user-name/imagename:1.0.0
Starting Containers
Run an Interactive Container:
Running a container opening a Shell and binding a terminal:
docker container run -it busybox /bin/sh
Run a container using the simple-web-app
image tagged with 0.1.0
. The container name will be myapp
. Expose the local port 8081
to port 4567
within the container. You can then access port 4567
of the container by typing http://localhost:8081
docker container run --name myapp -p 8081:4567 simple-web-app:0.1.0
Stop the container named sobusy
docker stop container sobusy
This will send a SIGTERM [1].
Stop the container name sobusy
but send SIGKILL [1] instead of SIGTERM.
List running containers:
docker container ls
docker container ps
docker container ls --all
To include stopped containers.
Delete all containers (running & stopped):
docker container rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
Print last 200 log entries of the container named sobusy
docker container logs --tail 200 sobusy
Reattach a Container
docker container attach <container-name | container-id>
- Linux Programmer's Manual, SIGNAL(7), POSIX Signals,